Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 10th -17th

July 10th
We had a morning walk by the beach and later went back and played some bat & ball and sunbathed. On Friday nights during Summer there is a firework display on the beach at Coney island. Huge crowds turn out o watch it and since we'll be at concerts for the next few Fridays we thought we'd go. After a leisurely stroll down the boardwalk we arrived and enjoyed the spectacle. We met up with John's friend Ricky and had a beer.and watched a fantastic African American drum band. I'd never seen anything quite like them before. they were a marching band with female dancers and two young men leading the way. There were different drums playing a New Orleans style rhythm. people seemed drawn to them as they played their hypnotic music. We had another drink at Cha Chas bar where a very average blues/rock band were playing and walked home on the now deserted boardwalk arriving home about 12.30pm!
July 11th
Today was very hot and the beach was crowded early in the day. We were up late and after listening to our favourite Saturday radio show, Felix Hernandez on Jazz 88 we had some chores to do and shopping so the day passed quickly. We chilled out in the evening and watched one of the few Ben Stiller movies I haven't seen, The Heartbreak kid, also starring Michelle Monaghan, who seems to have been in the last few movies I saw! Stiller plays Eddie who bows to pressure from his father and best friend to marry Lila who seems a hottie but turns out to be a nightmare. Then he falls for Miranda (Michelle Monaghan) and things become complicated! Later we watched Real time with interesting guests, Oliver Stone and Billy Bob Thornton That show is always controversial and Bill Maher is always outspoken about many issues.
July 12th
We had lunch with Louise again and watched the Tour de France on her large plasma TV. We've been following it on nights when we're home, always great to watch. especially as I was in the Pyrenees a few years ago and recognise some of the towns. Six time winer Lance Armstrong is riding again and doing well currently in third place.Later we watched `Don't mess with the Zohan'. Somehow I missed this in the cinema as I couldn't find anyone else who wanted to see it. I don't always like Adam Sandler but in his he plays an Israeli commando who fakes his own death because he wants to be a hairdresser in New York! It had some wild moments and a message of peace so I enjoyed it!
July 13th
Today was another warm day when we decided to make the most of the beach.I walked and John ran in the morning and later we played paddle ball. By the evening there is usually a sea breeze so it's very pleasant. Later we watched Larry King.His is the top rating show on CNN and for the last two and a half weeks EVERY night has been about Michael Jackson! the American public seem to have a n endless fascination with the man and how he died. They are are still awaiting toxicology reports so can only guess at what lethal cocktail probably killed him.
July 14th
Sonia Maria Sotomayor has been nominated by Obama for the Supreme Court so in order for her to be appointed she has to be questioned by the Senate. The questioning goes on for several days and this is shown on TV and is what is making the headlines today. The appointment is controversial as Sotomayor was born in the Bronx of Puerto Rican parents. She would be only the 3rd female and the first Latino to Be a Supreme Court judge. She stated ` I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life' and she has been criticised for this remark! This afternoon we went to the local mall to search for a hat for John but despite looking in Sears, Maceys and other places we came away empty handed! Obama threw the first pitch in tonight's All Star baseball game and joined the commentary team for a while! He just returned from a trip to Africa which had plenty of TV coverage and of course the Africans loved him!
July 15th
This afternoon we visited the New York Aquarium at Coney Island. I love watching and marvelling at the fish and they have many rare species. My favourites are the otters, seals and walruses. There are outdoor and indoor display areas and plenty of information so we spent a couple of hours there and walked home. It's about three miles so we were tired when we got home. After dinner we watched Larry King, who is still focusing on Michael Jackson! Then we watched a late movie, yet another one featuring Michelle Monaghan, a romantic comedy called Made of honor. Tom loves Claire but doesn't want to commit. When Michelle announces she is marrying a rich Scotsman he realises how much he loves her and tries to win her back.
July 16th
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock Festival and tonight's concert at Coney island was a celebration. The problem is that many of the 32 performers and bands who appeared there are no longer with us or no longer performing. The audience was mostly people in their 50's and 60's who love nostalgia.This concert featured three bands who appeared on the Saturday but were not in the movie, John Sebastian, Mountain ans Creedence Clearwater Revival.The first artist was John Sebastian who is very popular as he hails from Greenwich Village. He's now 65 and his voice has lost its tone but the audience loved hearing hits like `Daydream, `Welcome back' `You didn't have to be so nice' `Did you ever have to make up your mind' and `Do you believe itn magic' and he rounded it of with some nice harp.
Next were `Mountain' who mst be the loudest and heaviest band in the world! They are a power trio reminiscent of cream but with less blues influence. They played their big hit `Mississipi Queen' and `Blowin' in the wind' and lots of other loud fast music and once again were incredibly popular!
Last was CCR. Singer/guitarist/songwriter John Fogerty left the band some years ago so this was a recreation with original members Stu Cook and Doug Cosmo Clifford on bass and drums and featuring John Tristao on vocals guitar and harp. They sounded authentic and pounded through their many hits beginning with Born on the Bayou and working through Susie Q, Proud Mary and many more. We had a leisurely walk home on the boardwalk and arrived back just in time for the late edition of Larry King, again talking about Michael Jackson!!! Larry appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show and said that he thought this story might last another couple of weeks! There are still the toxicology reports to come and other issues to be explored!
July 17th
Today was humid and cloudy with thunderstorms forecast for later but undaunted we set of or Prospect Park in Downtown Brooklyn for the first Celebrate Brooklyn concert we've been to this year. On the bill was one of our favourite blues/rock/pop guitar players Robert Cray and Brooklyn soul band the Sweet Divines. Both of us have several of Robert Cray's albums but hadn't seen him live before. We got there early so we could check out the queue as we wanted to get good seats. The queue wasn't to long so we decided to grab dinner at a local cafe. We ordered wraps in pita bread but it turned out to be way ore food than we thought so we ended up taking half of it with us to eat at the concert later. I'm writing a more detailed review of the concert for those interested but will just say here that the music was fantastic, one of the best concerts I've been to even though Robert Cray's set was performed during a thunderstorm! Everyone came prepared and hung in there and some people were out dancing in the pouring rain! it was a thrill for us when just before Robert Cray hit the stage, one of John's tunes `I'm leavin' you' was played over the PA system.! John never gave them that album so they must have bought the album or the tune! This tune, a slow blues, is his best seller on itunes and has been for several years.

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